We have experienced the collective trauma of a global pandemic which affected us in myriad of ways. Some of us had to deal with fear, anxiety, loss, and grief. It is important that we begin the healing process. The Muslim Endorsement Council, Inc. (MEC) is supporting you in this process. MEC endorses Muslim chaplains who are the frontline religious supporters in prisons, hospitals, universities, communities, armed forces, etc.
Join us to explore how we can go through this process of healing together. This webinar is pertinent to everyone, especially husbands and wives, and parents. Topics include collective family healing and parenting childing experiencing trauma. Imam Suhaib Webb will expound upon the Quranic principles and Prophetic practices of healing through collective trauma. Our other speakers are an author-educator and a licensed professional counselor (LPC)
Register by clicking the link below and mark your calendars for Saturday, August 28th at 5:30 PM EST/4:30 PM CST/2:30 PM PT