Questions? Text:Â (646) 369-6791 / Email:Â
A virtual interactive in-service training program for chaplains, chaplain candidates, and chaplaincy students presented by Muslim Endorsement Council (MEC)
Questions? Text:Â (646) 369-6791 / Email:Â
A virtual interactive in-service training program for chaplains, chaplain candidates, and chaplaincy students presented by Muslim Endorsement Council (MEC)
Register:Â Registration is Closed
Questions? Text:Â (646) 369-6791 / Email:Â
We also ask you to help us in our work by clicking on the button to donate. With your donation, you’ll be helping to provide emotional care and support to people in distress and preserving Islam for the future generations of American Muslims.
Your donation also helps to support our work of endorsing Muslim chaplains who are the frontline religious supporters in prisons, hospitals, universities, communities, armed forces, etc. These chaplains help to provide emotional care and support to people in distress.
May Allah (swt) reward you for your generosity and preserve you and yours with Iman and health. Ameen.
Unintentional omission:
This was a hybrid conference.
Moderating online was Sr Jennifer Wolke
Please browse through our Youtube Channel for Previous Webinars. Like, Subscribe and Share.
We have experienced the collective trauma of a global pandemic which affected us in myriad of ways. Some of us had to deal with fear, anxiety, loss, and grief. It is important that we begin the healing process. The Muslim Endorsement Council, Inc. (MEC) is supporting you in this process. MEC endorses Muslim chaplains who are the frontline religious supporters in prisons, hospitals, universities, communities, armed forces, etc.
Join us to explore how we can go through this process of healing together. This webinar is pertinent to everyone, especially husbands and wives, and parents. Topics include collective family healing and parenting childing experiencing trauma. Imam Suhaib Webb will expound upon the Quranic principles and Prophetic practices of healing through collective trauma. Our other speakers are an author-educator and a licensed professional counselor (LPC)
Registration for this past event is closed. A LIVE recording can be viewed on the Muslim Endorsement Council YouTube channel.
This event took place Saturday, August 28th, 2021 at 5:30 PM EST/4:30 PM CST/2:30 PM PT
We also ask you to help us in our work by clicking on the button to donate. With your donation, you’ll be helping to provide emotional care and support to people in distress and preserving Islam for the future generations of American Muslims.
Your donation also helps to support our work of endorsing Muslim chaplains who are the frontline religious supporters in prisons, hospitals, universities, communities, armed forces, etc. These chaplains help to provide emotional care and support to people in distress.
May Allah (swt) reward you for your generosity and preserve you and yours with Iman and health. Ameen.
These are trying times for all of us. Many of us are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of the times. The Muslim Endorsement Council, Inc. (MEC) is supporting you in managing stress and anxiety in yourself and in your family. MEC endorses Muslims chaplains who are the frontline religious supporters in prisons, hospitals, universities, communities, armed forces, etc. Join us to explore the importance of managing stress and anxiety during these trying times. This webinar is pertinent to everyone, especially husbands and wives, and parents. Topics include managing stress and anxiety -within the family, -with a spouse, and -with a teenage child. Imam Mohamed Magid will expound upon the Quranic principles and Prophetic practices of managing stress and anxiety. Our other speakers are a psychiatrist and a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT)
Salma Abugidieri LPC speaks on Collective family healing from Trauma. #muslimendorsement #Healing #Trauma – explore and hear from them on how best to find healing for ourselves, family and communities using Islamic practices and principles. Imam Suhaib Webb will expound upon the Quranic principles and Prophetic practices of healing through collective trauma. Sis Salma Abugideiri, LPC will provide beneficial tips to cope with trauma, domestic violence, cultural adjustment, spiritual issues, depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Umm Juwayriyah M.Ed., an author-educator, will speak about parenting children experiencing trauma.